Reporting Absences
It is important that we know where your child is so that we can help and support - either by signposting services that can help, or provide work for you and your child to do whilst away from Gladstone Primary.
If your child is unwell, please follow these simple steps to let us know:
Either call school on 01446 735321, text us on 01446 688002 or email us by clicking here. Please include your child's name and class in the subject line and - if possible before 9am.
If your child has vomited or has diarrhoea, we ask you keep your child home for 48 hours after their last episode of illness, so that they are fit and well to return to school.​
If your child does not arrive at school and we have not received an email, phone message or text, we will text you to ensure that there is a legitimate reason for their absence - therefore it is important you let us know as soon as possible, if they are absent with your consent.